Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bear Lakin' with the Bushes!

We just got back from our annual trip to Bear Lake with Ben's family.  By the end of vacations, I am usually ready to come home, but this time I could have stayed for a few more days. It was beautiful up there and we had a great time!

Ben's cute Mom did a treasure hunt for all of the Grandkids--the kids LOVE this. She makes a map of the resort where we stay with X's at different locations and the kids run around looking for treasures.  

Tyler climbing on Aunt Amber to get the clue.

Tyler & Ryan with cousin Jake dig out the buried treasure.

Grandma with all of the grandkids.

We had the annual Bear Lake tennis tournament and Ben & I won this year!! I should mention that Ben is really the one who won the tournament for us--we do a lot better if I DON'T actually have to hit the tennis ball. 

Overall, we had a blast swimming, playing tennis, riding four-wheelers, hanging out with cousins,  and just relaxing for a few days. 

Thanks to the cute Bush Family for the fun filled vacation!! Can't wait until next year. Love you guys!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July--Wallsburg, Utah

We just wrapped up our 4th of July celebrations up in Wallsburg at my bosses little ranch. He always does such a fantastic job putting on his annual party on the 4th. It is full of blow up slides, mechanical bulls, fireworks and awesome food. Getting the kids to leave is always a chore in and of itself.

Here are a few quick shots of the fun that we had this year.

Tyler is rockin' the mechanical bull.

Ryan out for a joy ride.

Rachel making sure the bull didn't get the best of her.

Security for the party was pretty tight.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

School is finally out! (for a few weeks)

Today is Tyler's last day of First Grade. I say this all of the time, but I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I know it is a GOOD thing, but it makes me a little bit sad! Kind of bittersweet. As I dropped him off at school this morning and he turned to wave at me, I couldn't help but get teary eyed. He is growing up too fast! I asked him if he was excited for summer and he said he was but also a little bit sad because he was going to miss his teacher, Mrs. Frazier. She has been such a fantastic teacher this year! We have both LOVED her!!
Bring on Summer!!